Summer Media Internships

Each summer, our interns have the opportunity to gain hands on experience in a variety of departments do kingdom-impact work, build relationships, and grow in their faith.

The media team is in charge of most of the Eagles’ online activity. From providing graphics and video content for the Instagram and Twitter profiles to designing the website and email updates, the media team is the creative mind behind the Eagles social interactions!

Summer Interns

Interns work behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly here at the Charlotte Eagles all while forming community with fellow interns and growing in their faith. We desire for every intern to gain more confidence and an understanding of how to spread the gospel in whatever avenue they enter after their summer experience with the Charlotte Eagles.

Intern Positions

Game Day Operations

Despite having different roles during the week, all interns come together to make game days possible. Interns share the responsibilities of setting up locker rooms, field signs and tents, as well as commentating, announcing and covering photography and film. There are plenty of opportunities for everyone to learn some new skills and experience game days from every aspect.

Are you interested in becoming part of our team this summer?

Please check out the form below and let us know how you’d like to get involved with the Eagles in 2024!